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Out on a Limb

Because "yes" is a powerful word

It all started with a small notice in our local paper. It was the end of January 2014. Since October 2012, our town had become host to an FM radio station, KX93.5. Billed as the only non-commercial FM radio station in Orange County, it was looking to expand its presence on the web. To that end, the Program Director, Tyler Russell, who has been the host of the Morning Show from day one, was interested in finding local residents who might have an idea for a weekly one-hour community show. These shows would be streamed live on the station's web channel and later made available as podcasts. If selected, you would be host, producer, and creator of your show. I jumped at the opportunity. Several months before the station first came to town, Russell had placed a similar notice in the local paper asking for local residents who might be interested--or had experience--in hosting a show. I had hesitated back then, and decided that I could not let the opportunity escape a second time.

I had been writing a blog about my journey with my Ashtanga yoga practice since 2012. My idea for a community show was to expand upon what I was doing with my blog and interview local teachers, practitioners, artists, musicians, philosophers, authors, healers--any one, in other words--doing good work in the world in the name of yoga. Each week, I would have a one-hour conversation with a new guest.

The station said yes, and I began my adventure with Out on a Limb the first Sunday of March 2014 (March 2, 2014). Out on a Limb continued every Sunday through November 30, 2014. Ultimately, the community web shows fell victim to station finances. I like to think that one day Out on a Limb will have a chance at a second life and will find its way on air again. In the meantime, I have several file folders, a couple of spiral notebooks, and close to 40 conversations preserved as podcasts that chronicle the time I spent learning from a group of dedicated individuals who have devoted their lives to keeping this ancient science alive in their own work and in the world.

To the station and every one of my guests: I am so very grateful that you said yes.

Host Description

In Swami Satchidananda’s translation of the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, the capital “s” sage of the text that explains yoga to the seeker, Satchidananda speaks of the secret of coming together to practice this ancient art. He says, “There is joy in being together, that’s all.” That’s the secret. No attachment, no expectation, and joy. This is yoga.

Of course, even joy requires practice.

As a dedicated student of ashtanga yoga, I am naturally committed to the physical practice, also known as the asana. While the physical practice has many traditions—Iyengar, Anusara, Yin, Flow, Kundalini, to name a few—it is important to understand that the asana is only one small part—one limb—of the entire eight-limb path that is yoga. The larger journey takes shape as we leave our mats, step out of the studio and into the world.
I invite you to join me in a weekly 60-minute exploration of the multiple realms of yoga where we might venture beyond our comfort zones and go Out on a Limb to discover yoga philosophy, meditation, music, poetry, art, and, always, the art of practice. We will hear from a variety of teachers, scholars, artists, musicians, practitioners and everyday people doing good acts in the name of this ancient science.
A fellow yogi shared with me the following reflection on yoga by teacher Teryl Lundquist.
“I think of yoga as primarily two things: love and freedom.
“Love comes in befriending our bodies and loving our vulnerabilities as well as our strengths of body, mind, and spirit. This love carries its compassion out into the world. The freedom in yoga comes in discovering we are not just our bodies, but souls coming into healing and wholeness. We are liberating ourselves from old patterns and notions about who we are and what we can do. It is wonderfully freeing to have this level of love for ourselves and others.”
That sounds like joy to me. Go Out on a Limb with me to discover where your joy lives.
Information for Out on a Limb web channel:
Join me and my guests in conversation as we talk about how yoga is shaping and transforming lives. Listen Sundays at 2 p.m. live at

or listen later to podcast of shows at

Mobile access now available: Download the APP for both KX93.5 and KX at One Laguna. Search for it in the APP Store or Google Play store by typing "KX935" into the search.


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