My husband and I have been together long enough that when we find ourselves ready to dig into an argument, we have learned that it is best to cut the tension with some humor. Our favorite line for diffusing our most heated discussions is "I don't know who you are anymore." That pretty much sums up my feelings about myself at the moment. I think this is supposed to be a good thing. At least, this is what I am telling myself. But, I am having trouble finding the humor. In January, when news that Sharath Jois Rangaswamy, the grandson of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and the paramaguru of the Asthanga yoga lineage, was headed to Los Angeles in May to lead the Ashtanga community in one week of practice, I was thrilled. I registered for the entire week within the first two days it became possible to do so. I focused on cleaning up those areas of my practice that needed attention so that I would be ready come May. A fool's errand, as the saying goes, but a necessary lesson for me t...
"Life so far doesn't have any other name but breath and light, wind and rain." Mary Oliver