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Showing posts from June, 2015

We go back so far...and we start over every day

There is a new teacher in town, and we all fell in love with him immediately. I mean this in the kindest, most respectful way. How could we feel otherwise? He is a disciplined and elegant practitioner. He knows his way in and out of poses and is able to clearly articulate their execution to his many students wherever his students happen to be in their individual practice. He is not showy or boastful of what he has learned. He has studied Sanskrit and chanting and can chant in Sanskrit like a scholarly Brahmin without the aid of the Roman alphabet translations. He would like his students to learn something of this part of the lineage, too; so, he chants with us weekly for half an hour before class begins. Every Saturday. For free. He is reverent of his teacher, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and our teacher by extension, and we learn daily to be more grateful to Jois for keeping this practice alive. Our new teacher even brings us coffee to enjoy after practice, using Pattabhi Jois's recipe a...