The poet Galway Kinnell writes the following poem and calls it Prayer : Whatever happens. Whatever what is is is what I want. Only that. But that. I call that a life's work, which, I suppose, is close enough to what prayer is. It is a mantra worthy of repetition for what we come up against, what we experience and endure, and for that matter, what endures. Whatever what is is .... On the cover of the Los Angeles Times Tuesday morning was a picture of a small group of women in the Philippines walking, according to the caption, in a religious procession--arms laden with religious icons--against a background of devastation left in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan that wracked much of the Philippines on November 8. It is the sort of photograph that looks like a painting, and the women look more like warriors than like those suddenly rendered homeless by natural disaster. It is a remarkable photograph, worth more than its share of a thousand words. I found myself going back to it many...
"Life so far doesn't have any other name but breath and light, wind and rain." Mary Oliver