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Showing posts from May, 2013

Believe before you see

I read horoscopes and fortune cookie fortunes for the same reason I will occasionally follow a car in order to decode its cleverly arranged license plate message. I want some reassurance, some good old-fashioned comfort, a reminder from the universe that I am on the right track, that everything's going to be okay, that Meher Baba was right when he said "Don't worry, be happy." It really is that simple. I figure that I am not alone in divining wisdom from such talisman because newspapers, which seem to be short on space for news anymore, continue to provide valuable column inches to printing horoscopes. Trust has been a challenge for me for much of the new year. Big changes loom, and while a part of me recognizes the inevitability of change and understands, too, the necessity for these changes in particular, another part of me is caught up in worries about security and identity. When I recently read BLVB4UC on a license plate, I took it as a sign to have a little fai...